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Microstrip and Printed Antennas

分类:天线资料    下载:7    浏览:279    时间:2022-11-24
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Introduction to Smart Antennas

分类:天线资料    下载:2    浏览:591    时间:2022-11-24
首次出版时间: 2007 年 作者: Panayiotis I. Ioannides, Constantine A. Balanis
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An Introduction to HFSS培训教材

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ANSYS Training Manual
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Handbook of Smart Antennas for RFID Systems

分类:天线资料    下载:0    浏览:561    时间:2022-11-24
首次出版时间: 2010 年 9 月 8 日 作者: 尼迈·钱德拉·卡尔马卡尔 RFID 系统智能天线手册是关于应用于 RFID 的智能天线技术的单一综合参考。本书将为智能天线和 RFID 技术领域的研究人员和学生提供及时的参考书。这是第一本将两种最重要的无线技术结合在一本书中的书。该手册将由学术界和工业界的主要专家撰写章节,对各种 RFID 系统应用中与智能天线相关的术语和概念进行深入描述。一些主题是:RFID 智能天线的自适应波束形成、RFID 标签读取中的多用户干扰抑制、RFID 应用的相控阵天线、无线系统中的智能天线以及 RFID 智能天线的市场分析和案例研究。
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Frontiers in Antennas:Next Generation Design & Engineering

分类:天线资料    下载:0    浏览:289    时间:2022-11-22
Frontiers in Antennas:Next Generation Design & Engineering 首次出版时间: 2010 年 12 月 22 日 作者: 弗兰克·B·格罗斯 Frank B. Gross Frontiers in Antennas由世界上最重要的智能天线权威之一编辑,并汇集了全球专家的贡献,讨论了天线设计和工程的最新进展。这本开创性的指南主要涉及前沿天线设计和前沿数值方法。提出的许多概念都是在过去几年内出现的,并且仍处于快速发展状态。每一章都提供了有关独特的现代天线技术的深入细节。
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Foundations of Antenna Theory and Techniques

分类:天线资料    下载:1    浏览:234    时间:2022-11-22
首次出版时间: 2005 年 作者: 文森特·F·福斯科 本文旨在向新工程师和本科生介绍天线主题。它是对该主题的节奏适中的低层次介绍,不需要先前的电磁理论知识。此外,循序渐进的数学方法非常适合那些没有良好数学背景的人。它很好地介绍了该主题,但又不过分详细,并且包括一些非核心主题,以使学生对技术有一个很好的了解
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Finite Antenna Arrays and FSS

分类:天线资料    下载:3    浏览:328    时间:2022-11-22
Book Abstract A periodic surface is an assembly of identical elements arranged in a one or two-dimensional array. Such surfaces have various effects on incident electromagnetic waves. Their applications range from antennas to stealth aircraft.This book discusses finite antenna arrays and how to minimize the radar cross section of these arrays. "Ben has been the world-wide guru of this technology...Ben Munk has written a book that represents the epitomy of practical understanding." W. Bahret, United States Air Force Frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) have important military and civilian applications including antenna theory, satellite communications and stealth technology Author is an authory on the subject, having been instrumental in the development of stealth technology for the US Air Force Much of the material in this book was deemed classified due to its importance to defence
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分类:天线资料    下载:1    浏览:249    时间:2022-11-22
Communications and information systems (CIS) support collecting, processing, and exchanging information. CIS automate routine functions, freeing commanders and staffs to focus on the aspects of command and control that require experience, judgment, and intuition. Personnel who install, operate, and maintain CIS play a key role in the command and control of the Marine airground task force (MAGTF). It is an understatement to say that the success of the MAGTF in the modern battlespace depends on the effective employment of CIS.
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Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas

分类:天线资料    下载:1    浏览:738    时间:2022-11-22
A WILEY-INTERSCIENCE PUBLICATION 首次出版时间: 2002 年 作者: Kin-Lu Wong TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface. 1. Introduction and Overview. 1.1 Introduction. 1.2 Compact Microstrip Antennas. 1.3 Compact Broadband Microstrip Antennas. 1.4 Compact Dual-Frequency Microstrip Antennas. 1.5 Compact Dual-Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 1.6 Compact Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 1.7 Compact Microstrip Antennas with Enhanced Gain. 1.8 Broadband Microstrip Antennas. 1.9 Broadband Dual-Frequency and Dual-Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 1.10 Broadband and Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 2. Compact Microstrip Antennas. 2.1 Introduction. 2.2 Use of a Shorted Patch with a Thin Dielectric Substrate. 2.3 Use of a Meandered Patch. 2.4 Use of a Meandered Ground Plane. 2.5 Use of a Planar Inverted-L Patch. 2.6 Use of an Inverted U-Shaped or Folded Patch. 3. Compact Broadband Microstrip Antennas. 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 Use of a Shorted Patch with a Thick Air Substrate. 3.3 Use of Stacked Shorted Patches. 3.4 Use of Chip-Resistor and Chip-Capacitor Loading Technique. 3.5 Use of a Slot-Loading Technique. 3.6 Use of a Slotted Ground Plane. 4. Compact Dual-Frequency and Dual-Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Some Recent Advances in Regular-Size Dual-Frequency Designs. 4.3 Compact Dual-Frequency Operation with Same Polarization Planes. 4.4 Compact Dual-Frequency Operation. 4.5 Dual-Band or Triple-Band PIFA. 4.6 Compact Dual-Polarized Designs. 5. Compact Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Designs with a Cross-Slot of Unequal Arm Lengths. 5.3 Designs with a Y-Shaped Slot of Unequal Arm Lengths. 5.4 Designs with Slits. 5.5 Designs with Spur Lines. 5.6 Designs with Truncated Corners. 5.7 Designs with Peripheral Cuts. 5.8 Designs with a Tuning Stub. 5.9 Designs with a Bent Tuning Stub. 5.10 Compact CP Designs with an Inset Microstrip-Line Feed. 6. Compact Microstrip Antennas with Enhanced Gain. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Compact Microstrip Antennas with High-Permittivity Superstrate. 6.3 Compact Microstrip Antennas with Active Circuitry. 7. Broadband Microstrip Antennas. 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Use of Additional Microstrip Resonators. 7.3 Microstrip Antennas with an Air Substrate. 7.4 Broadband Slot-Loaded Microstrip Antennas. 7.5 Broadband Microstrip Antennas with an Integrated Reactive Loading. 7.6 Broadband Microstrip Antennas with Reduced Cross-Polarization Radiation. 8. Broadband Dual-Frequency and Dual-Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Broadband Dual-Frequency Microstrip Antennas. 8.3 Broadband Dual-Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 9. Broadband and Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Broadband Single-Feed Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 9.3 Broadband Two-Feed Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 9.4 Broadband Four-Feed Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. 9.5 Dual-Band Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antennas. Index.
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Circuit Design for RF Transceivers

分类:天线资料    下载:1    浏览:423    时间:2022-11-22
首次出版时间: 2001 年 作者: 自茨乐·S·沃谢尔, Domine Leenaerts, J·凡·德尔·唐 Circuit Design for RF Transceivers covers key building blocks which are needed to make an integrated transceiver for wireless and cellular applications, that is low-noise amplifiers, mixers, voltage controlled oscillators, RF power amplifiers and phase-locked loop systems.
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Broadband Planar Antennas Design and Applications

分类:天线资料    下载:1    浏览:201    时间:2022-11-22
Broadband Planar Antennas Design and Applications Zhi Ning Chen and Michael Y. W. Chia Both of Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore The increasing demand for wireless communications has revolutionised the lifestyle of today’s society and one of the key components of wireless technology is antenna design.  Broadband planar antennas are the newest generation of antennas boasting the attractive features required, such as broad operating bandwidth, low profile, light weight, low cost and ease of integration into arrays or Radio Frequency (RF) circuits, to make them ideal components of modern communications systems. Research into small and broadband antennas has been spurred by the rapid development of portable wireless communication devices such as cell phones, laptops and personal digital assistants. This all-encompassing volume, Broadband Planar Antennas: Design and Applications, systematically describes the techniques for all planar antennas from microstrip patch antennas, suspended plate antennas and planar inverted-L/F antennas to planar dipole antennas. Also discussed are some of the most recent outcomes such as broadband antenna issues in promising ultra-wideband applications. Clearly describes the fundamentals of planar antennas and categorises them according to their radiation characteristics Introduces the advanced progress in broadband planar antennas for modern wireless communications Includes a wealth of case studies, design guidelines, figures and tables This text is essential reading for antenna, RF and microwave engineers and manufacturers within the telecommunications industry. Its highly accessible approach will also appeal to researchers, postgraduate students and academic lecturers.
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Broadband Microstrip Antennas

分类:天线资料    下载:2    浏览:990    时间:2022-11-22
Broadband Microstrip Antennas Girish Kumar K. P. Ray 首次出版时间: 2002 年 10 月 31 日 作者: K·P·雷, 吉里什·库马尔 英文原版,432页。 Book Abstract: Look to this new, cutting-edge microstrip antenna book for the first exhaustive coverage of broadband techniques, including the most up-to-date information to help you choose and design the optimum broadband microstrip antenna configurations for your applications, without sacrificing other antenna parameters. The book shows you how to take advantage of the lightweight, low volume benefits of these antennas, by providing clear explanations of the various configurations and simple design equations that help you analyze and design microstrip antennas with speed and confidence. This practical resource offers you a comprehensive understanding of the radiation mechanism and characteristic of microstrip antennas, and provides guidance in designing new types of planar monopole antennas with multi-octave bandwidth. You learn how to select and design proper broadband microstrip antenna configurations for compact, tunable, dual-band and circular polarization applications. Moreover, the book compares all the broadband techniques and suggests the most attractive configuration. Extensively referenced with over 300 illustrations and 140 equations.
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